Flipkart is the indian online megastore,one of the best leading indian e-commerce website which is primarily used to buy electronics, and might have to spent some money for some other products to purchase and even referred Flipkart to your friends for buying some of the products ,and even you can earn  some commission when you prefer a product to your friends to buy it. like a friend of mine always keeps track on some of the good deals on the flipkart, and he refers it to and other friends and if we like it we buy it. but he/she gets nothing profits on it.

But Flipkart has its Afflilate program  through which you can earn money ( when your friends buys some product you will get some commision).

What is mean affiliate Program ?

It is a program ,Which flipkart company pays some commision to a person known as its affliate for referring customers or users ,who buy product from the flipkart website.

Flipkart Affiliate program ( sign up here)

On Flipkart’s Affiliate Page, you can check out the commissions rate they give category wise. They give 36% commission for electronics i.e Rs. 75 commission for a products of Rs. 300.

After you sign up and confirm their mail log in to your flipkart affiliate account. You will be able to see your unique Affiliate ID also known as Tracking ID which is used for tracking that the user has come to the site through your link. Don’t forget to fill and re-check your Payment details.

You will be able to see your Affiliate tools like the Banners, search bars if you want to promote it through your website. You can create your affiliate link for a particular product by just adding your affiliate id after adding ‘?affid=‘ at the end of any product url you want to promote. Then send this link to your friends who are interesting in buying that product.
As soon as any clicks on the link containing you affiliate id and buys the product, you gain commission.
  • The Sale is counted if the user buys within 24 hours after your affiliate link has been once visited.
  • You get paid for all the products the user buys after he visits flipkart from your affiliate link. It means that if any user opens flipkart through your link of any movie book and then he buys another 2 movie books, you get paid for all the books provided it is within 24 hours.
Flipkart pays its affiliate in 2 ways:

Payment methods:
  1. EFT: The money is directly deposited in your bank account once you reach Rs. 2500 [Min. Payment Threshold for EFT-Electronic Funds Transfer].
  2. Gift Voucher: You can use the money to purchase a product on flipkart once you reach Rs. 250.
  • Make a website on Book Reviews and promote books there.
  • Use URL shortening service like tiny.url or goo.gl to shorten your affiliate link.
  • Promote the products on Facebook giving your review about the product.
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