Meta tags in our Blogger or Website is an very mportant step in Search Engine
Optimization (seo). Meta Tags help search engines to get detail about your blog or
website with some few lines. These are
one of the simplest method of SEO. We can add many Meta Tags in our blog but
simplicity is the best policy so less meta tags are better for less errors.
Meta Tags change your Blogger Blog ranking from bottom of search results to the
top. Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing,Ask have crawlers that crawl your
blog and index it to Search Engines. crawlers first of all crawl your meta tags
and update your Blog info. So keywords present in Meta Tags attracts so much people and search engines to enter
to your blog. But these are some limitations in it. It should be related to
your blog content. For Example your blog is about computer trix and your are adding Keywords about trix, search Engine Robots
rejects your site. You have not added more keywords and description in Meta
Tags. This became keyword stuffing and Google Algorithms will ban your blog. As
well as that keywords and description must be at least a specific number of
Meta Description
Blog description is small description about our blog or website ,and your blog description should be in 250 characters and best to fit in google search results or any other search results.
Meta keyw0rds
Keywords should be related with our blog post content to get more traffic on our blog from some of the search engines ,and these are the basic requirement for seo.All characters should be indexed in the search engine ,,Google Yahoo keywords automatically from meta tags which should added in our blogger template
How to Add Meta Tags IN our Blogger
Step 1) .Login to Blogger Dashboard
Step 2).Go to Template >> Edit HTML in the Blogger
Step 3).Search for in our template
To find : press ctrl+F for search
step 4). copy the following code and paste just below it.
meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
Edit Here
- YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE - Replace this with your blog description (160 characters).
- YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS HERE - Replace with your blog keyboards. (256 characters)
- YOUR BLOG AUTHOR NAME HERE - Replace with your blog author name.
Step 5). Click on the save template