Google is one of the biggest country they are
providing so many features to the peoples,Most of the people use Gmail for sending emails. We have precious information
stored in our Gmail account. So Gmail would be the target for hackers being hacking it.
Gmail developer team has given us wonderful security option by
enabling the 2-step Verification.
By enabling the 2-step verification from you Gmail account makesyour account more secure by making you to login into Gmail by 2 step. While logging in into the Gmail account, Gmail send you the security code to your mobile phone and asks you to enter that code in Gmail login page. This makes sure that only the mobile phone carrier can able to know that code. So your account cannot be Hacked if someone tries to hack your account from somewhere else.
How to enable 2-step verification
Ø Log in to your Gmail
Ø Click Account at
the top right.
Ø Click Edit on 2-step
Ø Now Click Start
Ø selcet your country and
add your mobile number,
Ø Select the method
of verification, SMS option is by default and it is most
recommended one or autheticator option.
Ø Just click Send
Ø Now Google will
send you Text in your mobile with Verification Code
Ø Now click Next,
and NextNote this point after 2-step Verification
Ø Your Another
Application and Connected account will not be working, you need to re-invoke
that on Final 2-step Verification or do it later!
Ø If your Primary
Moblie is lost then you cannot able to login to Gmail so set Backup Mobile
Ø Backup Verification
Code is the another way to Recover your Account Please
Download and Note that number and keep it safely somewhere it is accessible for
you, like your Persna Dairy, Wallet. Each code can be used only once Very Important
Ø I recommend you to
read everything and make a important note of it.