What is ethical hacking:
` the ethicker( ethical+hacker) is usually employed by an organization who trusts him or her to attempt to
penetrate network and computers systems, using the same methods as a black hat
hacker, for the purpose of finding and fixing computer security
A certified
ethical hacker was obtaining a certifing in how to look for the
weakness and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and
tools as a hacker.
The code CEH exam
is 312-50. The certification is in version 8.1 as of late 2013.
Certification is achieved by taking CEH
examination after having either attended training at an accredited training
center or done self studying. If a candidate opts for self study, an application must be filling outed and proof submitted of 2
years of relevant information security work experience.
education points serve to ensure that all certified professionals maintain and
further their knowledge. Professionals must meet Electronics Communication Engineering requirements to avoid
revocation of certification.
Certain computer
security professionals have objected to the ethical hacker. There no such thing
as an ethical hacker that like saying ethical rapist it’s a contraction in
terms. Part of the controversy may rise from the older, less stigmatized,
definition of hacker, which has since become synonymous with criminal.