
     Sidecar is one-wheeled device attached to the side of a motocycle,scooter, or bicycle, producing a three-wheeled vehicle.  A motorcycle with a sidecare is sometimes called a combination,an outfit, a riig or a hack



     Mr M Bertoux, a french army officer, secured a prize offered by a french newspaper in 1893 for the best method of carrying a passenger on a bicycle.  The sidecar wheel was mounted on the same lateral plane as the bicycle's rear and was supported by a triangulation of tubes from the bicycle.  A sprung seat with back rest was mounted above the cross member and a footboard hung below.  A sidecar appeared in a cartoon by George Moore in the january7,1903.


    A sidecar motorcycle is a three-wheeled vehicle with the side wheel not directly aligned with the rear motorcycle wheel, and is usually powered by the rear wheel only.  This is different from a motor tricycle where both rear wheels are powered and share a common axle.  However, either P.V.Mokharow of the soviet union. Baughn two wheel drive outfits were so successful in trials events in the early 1930s that there were attempts to have the ACU ban them from competition


     A sidecar makes the bike asymmetrical. A fixed mounted rig with right mounted sidecar can go faster in left turns than in right turns because the sidecar prevents it from tipping over.  In right turns, they can tip over if curves are taken too fast.  Some techniques can be used to take a right curve faster without tipping, like usage of the brake on the sidecar, which some are fitted with. While a sidecar pilot is described as driving rather than riding, with all but the heavies rigs, the comparison to a care is weak.  Driver and passenger body position affect higher speed handling, especially on dirt or other uneven surfaces.  If the sidecar and bike are not coordinated the combination will be unstable especially e geometry at speed, with shimmy upon acceleration or deceleration In rigid mounted rigs, learning the motorcycle b clamping it rigid to  hydraulically a few degrees opposite the sidecar is used along with a few degrees of "to-in" of the sidecar wheel toward the centre line of the vehicle to provide a balance resulting in comfortable, straight line travel.  Most sidecars are also fitted with steering damping devices of either friction or hydraulic type to lessen the effects of sudden inputs, as encountered on rough road,s upon the vehicle's handling.


     Sidecar racing events exist in motocross sidecar classes.  The sport has followers in Europe, United states, Japan ,Australia.  The sidecars are often classed by age or engine size, with historic sidecar racing often being more popular than its modern outer part.  Older classes in road racing generally resemble solo motorcycles with a platform attached, where modern racing sidecars are ow and long and borrow much technology from open wheel race cars.