System hacking is the science of testing computers and networks for vulnerabilities and plugins,Password hacking is one of the easiest and most common ways hackers can obtain unauthorized computer or network access.Strong passwords that are difficult to crack are easy to create and maintain users often neglect this.

System hacking is the science of testing computers and networks for vulnerabilities and plugins

Hackers can easily can gather password information from your network and describes password vulnerabilities that can exist in computer networks from being exploited on your systems.

  • Extracting administrator passwords
  • Hiding files and extracting hidden files
  • Recovering passwords
  • Monitoring a system remotely
Password Cracking Techniques
  • Dictionary Attack
  • Brute Forcing Attack
  • Hybrid Attack
  • Syllabe Attack
  • Rule Based Attack
System hacking is the science of testing computers and networks for vulnerabilities and plugins

Types of Password Attacks

1). Passive online Attack
 Attacker Perform Password hacking without communicating with authorizing party

2). Active Online Attack

Attacker tries a list of passwords one by one against the victim to crack the passwords

3). Offline Attack

Attacker's copies the target's password file and then tries to crack the password in his own system at different location

4). NoN Electronics Attack

Attacker need not posses technical knowledge to crack password,thus know as non technical attack

Default Passwords

A default password is a password supplied by the manufacturer with new equipment that is password protected

1). Manual Password Cracking 
2). Automate password Cracking Algorithm
3). Stealing Password Using USB Drive
4). Stealiung Passwords Using Keyloggers

Microsoft Authentication

System hacking is the science of testing computers and networks for vulnerabilities and plugins


Rootkits are programs that hide their presense as well as attacker malicious activities,granting them full access to the server or host at that time and also in future.

Rootkits replace certain operating system calls and utilizes with its own modified version of those routines that in turn undermine the security causing malicious functions to be executed

A Typical rootkit of backdoor programs, DDos programs,packet sniffer,log-wiping utilities etc,...

A Typical rootkit of backdoor programs, DDos programs,packet sniffer,log-wiping utilities etc,...

Types Of RootKit

  • HyperVisor Level RootKit
  • Kernel Level Rootkit
  • Application Level Rootkit
  • Hardware/Firmware Rootkit
  • Bootloader Level Rootkit
  • Library Level Rootkits 

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