It is a program in which the malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless programming or data in such a way that it can get control and cause damage, such as file allocation on the hard disk,.Trojans replicate,spread and get activated upon user actions,With the help of Trojan ,an attacker gets access to the stored passwords in the Trojaned computer and would be able to read personal documents,delete files and display pictures, or show messages on the desktop screen.

It is a program in which the malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless programming or data in such a way that it can get control and cause damage, such as file allocation on the hard disk,.Trojans replicate,spread and get activated upon user actions,With the help of Trojan ,an attacker gets access to the stored passwords in the Trojaned computer and would be able to read personal documents,delete files and display pictures, or show messages on the desktop screen.

Purpose Of Trojans

  • Delete or replace operating system critical files
  • Generate fake traffic to create DOS attacks
  • Download spyware,adware,and malicious files
  • Record screenshots,audio,and video of victims pc/laptop
  • Steal informations such as passwords,security codes,credit card information using keyloggers
  • Disable firewalls and antivirus
  • Create backdoors to gain remote access 
  • Infect victims pc/laptop as a proxy server for attacks
  • Use victim pc as a botnet to perform DDos attacks
  • Use Victims pc for spamming and blasting email messages

What Does the Trojan Creators look for 

  • Credit Card Information
  • Financial data [ bank account numbers,social security number,insurance information]
  • Using the Victim computer for illegal purposes
  • Account Data [email addresses ,passwords,usernames,etc,...]
  • Confidential documents
                          Common Ports Used By Trojans

Different Ways a Trojan can Get into a System

  1. Instant messenger applications
  2. irc(internet relay chat)
  3. Physical Access
  4. Browser and email software bugs
  5. Fake programs
  6. Attachments
  7. Untrusted sites and freeware software
  8. Netbios
  9. Downloading files,games, and screensavers from internet sites

  • Trojans are Malicious pieces of code that carry cracker software to a target system
  • they are used primarly to gain and retian on the targetsystem
  • They often make registry change that allow them to meet their purpose as a remote administration tool
  • Popular Trojans include RemoteByMail,Illusion Bot,Zeus.
  • Awareness and preventive measures are the best defence against Trojans

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